Value and Place Value

Place Value and Value of 3-Digit Numbers

Taken from Grade 4 Play! Maths (Term 1: Section 1)

Place Value and Value of 4-Digit Numbers

Taken from Grade 5 Play! Maths (Term 1: Section 1)

Expanded Form and Short Form (4-Digit Numbers)

Taken from Grade 5 Play! Maths (Term 1: Section 1)

Place Value and Value of 5-Digit Numbers

Taken from Grade 5 Play! Maths (Term 2: Section 1)

5-Digit Numbers in Words

Taken from Grade 5 Play! Maths (Term 2: Section 1)

Place Value and Value of 6-Digit Numbers

Taken from Grade 5 Play! Maths (Term 2: Section 1)

6-Digit Numbers in Words

Taken from Grade 5 Play! Maths (Term 2: Section 1)



6-Digit Numbers: Expanded Form

Taken from Grade 5 Play! Maths (Term 2: Section 1)


6-Digit Numbers: Short Form

Taken from Grade 5 Play! Maths (Term 2: Section 1)